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You may, or may not be aware that, back in February of this year, Hampshire County Council removed the weight restriction on the Sway Road railway bridge in the southbound direction.  This means that any HGV, of any size, can now drive through the village and down Sway Road, where before, only lorries of less than 7.5 tons were permitted.  The Order only allows for southbound traffic to take advantage of this change, but in reality, this change is affecting traffic in both directions. 


Currently this is a temporary measure that is due to be reviewed in 18 months’ time (August 2023).  One of Greener Brockenhurst’s primary objectives as an organisation is to reduce CO2 emissions and environmental pollution in our community and to promote active travel (cycling and walking).  We are therefore working closely with other local organisations and residents who are concerned about the significant and increased risk now being placed on cyclists, pedestrians and livestock using Grigg Lane and Sway Road to call for an immediate revocation of this Order. 


As we understand it, the reasoning behind the change in weight restriction is to better accommodate the 44-ton Car Transporter HGVs that deliver cars to Meadens garage in Sway Road.  Prior to the lifting of the weight restriction, these very large HGVs were turning around in Sway Road itself, backing into the Rise on most occasions.  This was obviously a dangerous manoeuvre.  We acknowledge that it needed addressing, but we believe the solution HCC has put in place to resolve the problem has been ill-thought through and introduces more dangers and risks to the village especially in Sway Road and Grigg Lane and the already difficult junction at Brookley Road. 


The lifting of this weight restriction has opened up a cut through for any HGV over 7.5 tones, right through our village. The grounds for our objection as put forward to Hampshire County Council are included in the attached template letter.  And all this to better accommodate the Meadens Car-Transporters.  We believe that instead Meadens should be encouraged to be part of the solution, perhaps using some of their not inconsiderable land for off-loading, or perhaps using smaller lorries to deliver cars, rather than asking our village to pay the price.  


So how can you help?


  1. Write a letter of Objection
    We want to encourage everyone who does not agree with this lifting of the weight restriction to write letters of objection to Hampshire County Council and copying in our own Parish Council.  Would you feel able to do this?

    Click here to download our draft template of a letter of objection.  Feel free to use this if you are short of time, or if you can, use it as a base to write one of your own, in your own words. This will carry even more weight.  Please note that in order for HCC to take your letter into account, it must be posted in hard copy to the address at the top of the template letter.  Copies can be emailed to the Parish Council.

  2. Come to the Parish Council Meeting on May 17th
    We plan to make a presentment at the May Parish Council meeting, explaining our concerns and asking for the Parish Council to lend their support for an immediate revocation of the lifting of the weight restriction.  We have invited the press to attend.  The more residents that turn out to support us the better and the more wight our presentment will carry.  Would you be prepared to come and support us at this meeting.  It is to be held on May 17th at 7pm in the Village Hall.  Please come!

  3. Share this with your friends and neighbours
    Please talk about his with your local friends and neighbours.  Feel free to share this email and template letter of objection with them.  The more people that support us, the more chance we have of success.


If you would like to know any more, or to discuss the issue, please do email us and we will be happy to give you a call.


With very many thanks


Best wishes


Greener Brockenhurst

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